
Dark-brown crystalline powders and selected single crystals of cubic boron nitride grown by the HP-HT method, with boron excess, have been studied in a broad temperature range by electron spin resonance (ESR) in the X and W microwave frequency bands, respectively. The X-band spectra consist of two superimposed lorentzian components attributed to two types of related paramagnetic defects called D1 and D2, respectively. According to the W-band data, the D1 centre exhibits local axial <111> symmetry and ground spin state S = 1/2, with g | = 2.0033 and g | = 2.0094 at T = 10 K. The broad D2 line, observed only in the X-band, at g = 2.0084, at higher temperatures, seems to result from transitions inside the excited levels of another boron related defect.

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