
Sand-conglomerate reservoir has been scarcely studied, and there is no effective method available for quantitative characterization of pore structure of such a reservoir. In this paper, a multifractal study was made on the Triassic Karamay Formation sand-conglomerate reservoir in the Mahu rim region, the Junggar Basin, by using a variety of high-resolution analysis methods, such as Micro-CT, QEMSCAN, and MAPS, in order to quantitatively characterize the heterogeneity of pore size distribution, relative differentiation of large and small pores, and mineral composition. The results reveal that the multifractal parameters have more influence on permeability than on porosity. The smaller the Δα (the multifractal spectral width) and the larger the Δf (the difference in fractal dimension of the maximum and minimum probability subsets), the better the reservoir physical property. To some extent, the relationship between multifractal parameters and mineral composition provides an opportunity to reflect the diagen...

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