
With the development of infrastructure construction in mountainous areas, the number of new extra-long tunnels is increasing. However, these tunnels often face the challenge of complex and variable surrounding rock grades, resulting in a large number of overbreak and underbreak due to the untimely adjustment of smooth blasting parameters. This study focuses on the optimization of the peripheral hole charging structure and blasting parameters for extra-long hard rock tunnels, aiming to improve the effectiveness of smooth blasting technology. The results of this study demonstrate a significant improvement in the effect of smooth blasting after implementing bidirectional polymerization blasting in the tunnel. A comparison between the bidirectional shaped charge and spaced decoupled charge blasting reveals that the former yields better results. To obtain accurate data on the tunnel section profile during excavation, a laser cross-section meter is used for measurement. Furthermore, this study quantitatively compares the optimization effect of smooth blasting parameters. The multifractal characteristics of the tunnel profile overbreak point sequences are analyzed under different smooth blasting schemes using the multifractal detrended fluctuation analysis (MF-DFA) method. It is found that both the spaced decoupled charge and the bidirectional shaped charge blasting exhibit multifractal features in the overbreak measurement point sequences. The calculation results of the multifractal features of the tunnel profile under different smooth blasting plans are in line with the actual situation.

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