
1. IntroductionDuring the last decades several authors have shown that thespatial distribution of earthquakes follows fractal and multifractallaws [1–3] and the most interesting behaviour is the decrease ofthe fractal dimension value before the occurrence of large earth-quakes and their main aftershocks [4,5]. The monofractal analysisis not always enough to characterize the complex dynamic in aspecific system. In this sense, the multifractal behaviour is betterto describe the nonlinear dynamic in many systems, like rain andclouds [6], fractures [7], solar wind [8] and earthquakes [9].This multifractal tool is essentially used for the characterisationof spatial scaling properties, in particular the method that ismostly used is the correlation dimension [10]. With this methodthe moments q are calculated using the linear relation betweenthe correlation-integral partitioning, log

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