
Neurological manifestations can occur in up to 17% of cases of HIV infection. 50–90% of individuals infected with HIV develop fever and non-specific symptoms within a few weeks of acquiring the infection. Viral encephalitis is an infectious process associated with a complicated diagnostic workup, limited treatment options, and significant morbidity and mortality. •F.A 51y old male patient, presented to Kasaralainy hospital, with Lt sided hemiparesis and an attack of Generalized seizure.•History of recurrent painful rash in thoracic region[Figure 1-1]. examination revealed multiple oral ulcers.•MRI Brain [Figure 1-2].•EEG: focal temporal and frontal epileptogenic activity•Patient was diagnosed as Encephalitis and started Acyclovir treatment and Antiepileptic drugs with no improvement• Laboratory investigations revealed HIV Ab --> positive•patient was started HAART Individuals with neurological manifestations of primary HIV infection should initiate HAART as these manifestations are associated with accelerated progression of HIV.

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