
To report a patient with Crohn's disease and acute decreased vision in one eye secondary to multifocal choroiditis and serous retinal detachment. A complete ocular examination, including fluorescein angiography, was performed. Fundus biomicroscopy disclosed multifocal, deep, discretely elevated yellowish lesions at the posterior pole of the affected eye. Fluorescein angiographic study of these lesions revealed early hypofluorescence followed by late hyperfluorescence. Subtenonian injection of corticosteroids rapidly induced remission of the choroidal lesions. Chorioretinal involvement in patients with Crohn's disease may or may not be related to reactivation of this disorder. Therefore, even patients without gastrointestinal symptoms who present with posterior segment inflammation must be informed of this. The chorioretinal inflammatory lesions do seem to respond promptly to periocular injection of corticosteroids.

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