
This article presents a multifield asymptotic homogenization scheme for the analysis of Bloch wave propagation in non-standard thermoelastic periodic materials, leveraging on the Green-Lindsay theory that accounts for two relaxation times. The procedure involves several steps. Firstly, an asymptotic expansion of the micro-fields is performed, considering the characteristic size of the microstructure. By utilizing the derived microscale field equations and asymptotic expansions, a series of recursive differential problems are solved within the repetitive unit cell Q. These problems are then expressed in terms of perturbation functions, which incorporate the material’s geometric, physical, and mechanical properties, as well as the microstructural heterogeneities. The down-scaling relation, which connects the microscopic and macroscopic fields along with their gradients through the perturbation functions, is then established in a consistent manner. Subsequently, the average field equations of infinite order are obtained by substituting the down-scaling relation into the microscale field equations. To solve these average field equations, an asymptotic expansion of the macroscopic fields is performed based on the microstructural size, resulting in a sequence of macroscopic recursive problems. To illustrate the methodology, a bi-phase layered material is introduced as an example. The dispersion curves obtained from the non-local homogenization scheme are compared with those generated from the Floquet-Bloch theory. This analysis helps validate the effectiveness and accuracy of the proposed approach in predicting the wave propagation behavior in the considered non-standard thermoelastic periodic materials.

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