
Investigating the outflows emanating from young stellar objects (YSOs) on sub-arcsecond scales provides important clues to the nature of the underlying accretion-ejection process occurring near the central protostar. We have investigated the structures and kinematics of the outflows driven by the YSO DG Tauri, using the Near-infrared Integral Field Spectrograph (NIFS) on Gemini North. The blueshifted outflow shows two distinct components in [Fe II] 1.644 micron emission, which are separated using multi-component line fitting. A stationary recollimation shock is observed, in agreement with previous X-ray and FUV observations. The presence of this shock indicates that the innermost streamlines of the high-velocity component are launched at a very small radius, 0.01-0.15 AU, from the central star. The jet accelerates and expands downstream of the recollimation shock; the 'acceleration' is likely a sign of velocity variations in the jet. No evidence of rotation is found, and we compare this non-detection to previous counter-claims. Moving jet knots, likely the result of the jet velocity variations, are observed. One of these knots moves more slowly than previously observed knots, and the knot ejection interval appears to be non-periodic. An intermediate-velocity component surrounds this central jet, and is interpreted as the result of a turbulent mixing layer along the jet boundaries. Such lateral entrainment requires the presence of a magnetic field of strength a few mG or less at hundreds of AU above the disc surface, which is argued to be a reasonable proposition. In H2 1-0 S(1) 2.1218 micron emission, a wide-angle, intermediate-velocity blueshifted outflow is observed. Both outflows are consistent with being launched by a magnetocentrifugal disc wind, although an X-wind origin for the high-velocity jet cannot be ruled out.

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