
Marine fish are considered a source of high quality proteins and fatty acids. However, the consumption of fish may pose a health risk as it may have potentially toxic elements in high concentrations. In this study we quantify the multielemental composition of muscle and fins for three species of commercial marine fish from Brazil: Sphyraena guachancho (Barracuda), Priacantus arenatus (Common bigeye) and Genidens genidens (Guri sea catfish). We then assessed the potential risk of fish consumption by means of a Provisional Hazard Indices. Amongst the elements detected in fish tissue were potentially toxic elements such as Ag, Ba, Cd, Cr and Hg. Concentration differences were species-specific, and affected by the species trophic level, morphological characteristics and feeding habits. Results suggest the higher the trophic level of the fish, the higher the risk of consumption. Caution is recommended for the frequent ingestion of high trophic level fish species in Brazil.

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