
Multidrug resistant (MDR) Klebsiella pneumoniae an increasing cause of neonatal sepsis in India. This observational study was designed to monitor temporal change in prevalence of K. pneumoniae as a causative organism for neonatal sepsis and its sensitivity pattern. The time period was divided into four time frames of six months each (designated A (1/10/2006-31/03/2007) to D (1/04/2008-30/09/2008)). K. pneumoniae isolation in all cultures sent from neonatal intensive care units doubled in time frame D (6.3%) compared to time frame A (3.0). Similarly, the percentage of total positive cultures in the neonatal intensive care unit that were K. pneumoniae also doubled (27.8% in A to 55.6% in D). K. pneumoniae sepsis tripled in inborn neonates (15.4% in A to 47.1% in D). Incidence of MDR K. pneumoniae increased from 0% in time frame A to 76.5% in time frame D. Resistance against ampicillin and third generation cephalosporins (cefotaxime and ceftazidime) remained 100% in all time frames. Carbapenem (meropenem and imipenem) resistance increased from 0% in time frame A and B to 41.2% in time frame D. Death due to K. pneumoniae sepsis showed brisk resurgence in time frame D (17.6%) compared to time frame C (10%). Lower gestational age and birth weight were associated with higher mortality. MDR K. pneumoniae is emerging as a more frequent cause of neonatal sepsis. There is an dincreasing threat of combined quinolone and carbapenem resistant MDR K. pneumoniae.

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