
Sentiment analysis or opinion mining used to capture the community’s attitude who have experienced the specific service/product. Sentiment analysis usually concentrates to classify the opinion of whole document or sentence. However, in most comments, users often express their opinions on different aspects of the mentioned entity rather than express general sentiments on entire document. In this case, using aspect-based sentiment analysis (ABSA) is a solution. ABSA emphases on extracting and synthesizing sentiments on particular aspects of entities in opinion text. The previous studies have difficulty working with aspect extraction and sentiment polarity classification in multiple domains of review. We offer an innovative deep learning approach with the integrated construction of bidirectional Long Short Term Memory (BiLSTM) and Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) for multidomain ABSA in this article. Our system finished the following tasks: domain classification, aspect extraction and opinion determination of aspect in the document. Besides applying GloVe word embedding for input sentences from mixed Laptop_Restaurant domain of the SemEval 2016 dataset, we also use the additional layer of POS to pick out the word morphological attributes before feeding to the CNN_BiLSTM architecture to enhance the flexibility and precision of our suggested model. Through experiment, we found that our proposed model has performed the above mentioned tasks of domain classification, aspect and sentiment extraction concurrently on a mixed domain dataset and achieved the positive results compared to previous models that were performed only on separated domain dataset.

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