
More and more clinical evidence confirms that hypopituitary dysfunction can lead to liver cirrhosis. The causes of hypopituitary dysfunction include sellarneoplastic diseases, hereditary diseases, perinatal adverse events, etc. Clinically, growth hormone deficiency (GHD) often the first cause in hypopituitary dysfunction.Hypopituitary dysfunction, especially GHD, can lead to liver cirrhosis, which in turn can result in damage to multiple organs such as the secondary lungs, spleen, and heart.Therefore, its clinical manifestations are complex, and the patients are first diagnosed in various departments.Reliable clinical observations have shown that GH replacement therapy at the early stage of the disease can effectively prevent and reverse the progression of cirrhosis, or even avoid inappropriate or unnecessary combined transplantation of liver or liver-related organs.Multidisciplinary collaboration and attention to the new findings that hypopituitary dysfunction can lead to liver cirrhosis will help to improve the accurate diagnosis and treatment of liver cirrhosis.

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