
In mature fields, pulsed-neutron logging is commonly used to solve for the remaining saturation behind the casing. For years, sigma-based saturation has been used to calculate gas saturation behind casing; however, the high dependency of sigma-to-water salinity of the formation, especially the low-dynamic range at porosity near 12 p.u., has proven to be challenging in low-porosity gas rock. A new measurement from the third detector from a multidetector pulsed-neutron tool (MDPNT) is proposed to provide a better estimation of the gas saturation in a low-porosity reservoir. Two sets of independently measured sigma and the third detector were taken in a casedhole well, with a dual-tubing system of a long string and short string. For the third-detector measurement, the measurement was based on the ratio of the slow capture gate and inelastic gate component from the decay curve created by the long detector. This ratio can be used to detect gas in a tight reservoir with a minimum salinity and lithology effect. This data will then be used to calculate the gas saturation from the third detector, and the result is compared to sigma-based gas saturation. At an interval where the porosity is above 12 p.u., the sigma-based gas saturation and MDPNT-based gas saturation are very much in agreement. However, in a low-porosity reservoir near 12 p.u. or below, the sigma-based measurement starts to show its limitation. Meanwhile, the MDPNT-based gas saturation clearly shows the remaining gas saturation where sigma-based measurements failed to detect it. The subsequent decision was made based on the log analysis result, and perforation was done at a potential interval based on the MDPNT result. The results from the production test confirm the MDPNT-based gas saturation with 700-Mscf/d gas production added. This study showcases a new technology to solve a low-porosity gas reservoir issue where a sigma-based measurement underestimates the remaining gas saturation. Using two different measurements in the same well, the results from the MDPNT measurement demonstrated a better result compared to the sigma-based measurement in low-porosity rock

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