
As we know, multiculturalism denotes a society in which many different cultures co exist. It is a concept aimed at the preservation and development of the cultural diversity of people of different ethnicities and faiths in any country and in the world as a whole and the ethnocultural integration of ethnic minorities. As a crossroads of different civilisations, our ancient homeland Azerbaijan has, for centuries, been known as a country with an established atmosphere of ethnocultural diversity where representatives of different ethnic groups and faiths have lived in an environment of peace, tranquillity and mutual understanding. Multiculturalism and tolerance have historically been a way of life of Azerbaijanis, and today it has become a way of life of every citizen of the Azerbaijani state regardless of their national identity, language or religion. The rich multicultural past of the Azerbaijani people has survived not only in today’s tolerant lifestyle of our people, but also in the literary-artistic, scientificphilosophical and political-legal sources and documents created by our people. In the broad sense, the essence of multiculturalism is that the state does not discriminate against individuals or social groups representing different and unique cultures, does not regard any of them superior or inferior to the others, and grants equal rights to representatives of all cultures.

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