
This paper aims to explore multicultural education in elementary schools in Banyumas district. This research raises a socio-cultural portrait in the context of learning. The type of research used is descriptive qualitative. The research method used is a naturalistic inquiry approach case study. There were three elementary schools that were sampled in this study, namely SD Negeri Sidamulya Kemranjen, SD Negeri 3 Banjarpanepen, and SD Mulia Bhakti Purwokerto. The data collection uses observations, interviews, and documentation. The validity of the data is carried out by confirming the results of observations, interviews, documentation. Data credibility tests are carried out by extending observations, increasing persistence, data triangulation, member checks, and references. Data analysis using the Miles & Huberman interactive model. The results show that the application of multicultural education in elementary schools in Banyumas Regency is divided into three patterns, namely the application of multicultural education in learning activities, the application of multicultural education in learning content, and the application of multicultural education in intracurricular/ extracurricular schools.

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