
These days, due to the advancement of information technology, recommendation system has become one of the key tools for e-commerce business. E-commerce platforms allow users to provide feedback in both written comments and numerical ratings. Recommendation systems are utilized to recommend users to new or unseen items based on these previously collected comments or ratings. In recent years, multi-aspect or multi-criteria based recommendation systems have been studied a lot by the recommendation research community. However, these research works are conducted either with reviews or ratings, not with both. In this project, we argue that integrating both textual reviews (with multiple aspects) and numerical multi-criteria ratings can further enhance the overall rating prediction accuracy. We propose a Multi-criteria Rating and Review based Recommendation model (MRRRec). We show that incorporating multi-criteria ratings into multi-aspect ratings from reviews has a great impact on performance. Our proposed model outperforms several state-of-the-art models such as ANR, DeepCoNN, and Deep Multi-criteria Recommendation System in terms of MSE, MAE, precision, recall, and F1. We show that our proposed model achieves an average of 19% and 23.0% lower MSE and MAE respectively and 7.0%, 1.0% and 3.8% higher precision, recall, and F1 score respectively. We further show that our model performs significantly better with Word2Vec word embedding than the GloVe word embedding method.

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