
When multiple conflicting criteria are available and must be considered, Multi-Criteria Decision Making (MCDM), a subfield of operations research, aids the decision maker in addressing the problem. The use of MCDM, a valuable and effective technique that may be applied in situations of certainty or uncertainty, makes it easier to integrate quantitative and qualitative assessments into scientific procedures. However, many Nigerians are found to retain more than one Subscriber Identity Module (SIM) in response to which of the network providers is best suited to meet their needs. This will help to minimize the number of SIM cards each person will carry, consequently reducing the cost of maintaining them. The aim of this study is to recognize and prioritize the most important mobile service provider criteria in the telecom industry in Borno State, Nigeria. Seven attributes were selected from the literature and customers. Questionnaires were systematically distributed, utilizing convenience and deliberate sampling, to 1200 customers. MTN and AIRTEL are the two most preferred service providers over the other operators within the competitive environment. It is advised that to increase their customer base, service providers in the research region enhance network connectivity, low call rates, and voice clarity.

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