
The UBVRI photometry and 460–900 nm spectroscopy of a classical nova V475 Sct obtained after its outburst in August 2003 is discussed. The nova was classified as a Fe II slow nova with the t2,V = 48 d, t3,V = 53 d. The absolute magnitudes of the nova at maximum MVmax = −7.16±0.15, MBmax = −6.96±0.39, the color excess E(B−V) = 0.69±0.05 and the distance to the nova d = 4.8±0.9 kpc was determined. Observed 13.4-day periodicity of flares can be explained either by pulsation of the nova envelope or by the mass transfer bursts from the red to the white dwarf probably caused by a periastron passage of the third body. The rapid fade of the brightness, which started 57 days after the maximum, is related to a dust formation in the ejecta of the nova. The early optical spectra display the forest of low ionization emission lines, primarily Fe II and Balmer H, accompanied by two P Cygni absorptions, arising in the inner and outer envelope of the expanding nova shell ejected at brightness maximum and accelerated by continuous stellar wind. The spectrum taken in the nebular stage of the nova, which started in March 2004, shows very strong emission [O III] 495.9 nm and 500.7 nm lines, responsible for discrepancy of the B and V magnitudes determined from observations taken by different instruments. The nebular emission line profiles suggest a nonspherical ejection of the shell.

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