
This brief proposed a Multi-Channel Multi-Domain (MCMD) based knowledge distillation algorithm for sleep staging using single-channel EEG. Both knowledge from different domains and different channels are learnt in the proposed algorithm, simultaneously. A multi-channel pre-training and single-channel fine-tuning scheme is used in the proposed work. The knowledge from different channels in the source domain is transferred to the single-channel model in the target domain. A pre-trained teacher-student model scheme is used to distill knowledge from the multi-channel teacher model to the single-channel student model combining with output transfer and intermediate feature transfer in the target domain. The proposed algorithm achieves a state-of-the-art single-channel sleep staging accuracy of 86.5%, with only 0.6% deterioration from the state-of-the-art multi-channel model. There is an improvement of 2% compared to the baseline model. The experimental results show that knowledge from multiple domains (different datasets) and multiple channels (e.g., EMG, EOG) could be transferred to single-channel sleep staging.

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