
ABSTRACT In a study of 328 cases of papillary adenocarcinoma of the thyroid treated surgically in the period 1940–1954, it was found that these adenocarcinomas are multicentric in at least 20 per cent of cases. The multicentricity usually involves both lobes. Given a papillary lesion in one lobe, one or more additional deposits occur in the same lobe in more than 10 per cent of cases, and in the opposite lobe in a like proportion of cases. Further resection of the thyroid is advisable in cases in which partial lobectomy or partial thyroidectomy has been carried out previously because of a nodule that subsequently proves to be a papillary lesion. Preservation of a remnant on the apparently uninvolved side together with the nodes in the tracheo-esophageal groove on that side is justified in order to avoid total parathyroidectomy.

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