
Bound states in the continuum (BICs) with high quality factors (Q-factors) by confining resonances embedded in a continuous spectrum by eliminating radiation loss can boost substantially light-matter interaction for various applications in ultrathin, active, and nonlinear metadevices. Regulating and improving the modulating freedom of the BICs are important in tailoring the spectra lineshape. Here, we suggest a way to manipulate the number of BICs in the spectra by controlling the layers and the shape or arrangement of the rectangular nanoholes in each layer of the metasurface, illuminated by a p-polarized plane wave. It is convenient to achieve symmetry protected multiple at-Γ BICs and multiple off-Γ BICs associated with the decoupling of the radiation waves and improve their regulation depth only by adjusting the layers and one single nanohole arrangement and shape in one lattice in each layer, without introducing extra geometric complexity of the metasurface. Additionally, we demonstrate the multiple BICs are robust and have a good tolerance to fabrication imperfections. Beyond the multiple BICs of both types, we also explore the huge sensitivity around the multi-BICs of the metasurface on the surrounding medium refractive index. Multiple BICs with high Q-factor realized in this multi-layer metasurface promise various practical applications including ultra-high sensitivity sensors and filters.

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