
AbstractThis paper presents multiaxial low cycle fatigue lives of YH61 Ni-base single crystal superalloy at elevated temperature. Tension-torsion low cycle fatigue tests were performed using hollow cylinder specimens with aligning the specimen axis to [100] direction at 1173 K. Biaxial tension-compression low cycle fatigue tests were also performed using cruciform specimens whose x and y axes were aligned to \(\langle 110\rangle \) directions. The effect of strain multiaxiality on the multiaxial low cycle fatigue lives was discussed. Couples of multiaxial stress and strain parameters were applied to the experimental data for correlating the multiaxial low cycle fatigue lives of both types of the specimens. The strain parameters yielded a large scatter in the correlation and Mises equivalent stress was only the parameter to give a satisfactory correlation of multiaxial low cycle fatigue lives of the superalloy.KeywordsPrincipal StrainMaximum Principal StressSingle Crystal SuperalloyStrain ParameterMultiaxial Stress StateThese keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves.

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