
IntroductionAdvances in image segmentation of magnetic resonance images (MRI) have demonstrated that multi-atlas approaches improve segmentation over regular atlas-based approaches. These approaches often rely on a large number of manually segmented atlases (e.g. 30–80) that take significant time and expertise to produce. We present an algorithm, MAGeT-Brain (Multiple Automatically Generated Templates), for the automatic segmentation of the hippocampus that minimises the number of atlases needed whilst still achieving similar agreement to multi-atlas approaches. Thus, our method acts as a reliable multi-atlas approach when using special or hard-to-define atlases that are laborious to construct. MethodMAGeT-Brain works by propagating atlas segmentations to a template library, formed from a subset of target images, via transformations estimated by nonlinear image registration. The resulting segmentations are then propagated to each target image and fused using a label fusion method.We conduct two separate Monte Carlo cross-validation experiments comparing MAGeT-Brain and basic multi-atlas whole hippocampal segmentation using differing atlas and template library sizes, and registration and label fusion methods. The first experiment is a 10-fold validation (per parameter setting) over 60 subjects taken from the Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Database (ADNI), and the second is a five-fold validation over 81 subjects having had a first episode of psychosis. In both cases, automated segmentations are compared with manual segmentations following the Pruessner-protocol. Using the best settings found from these experiments, we segment 246 images of the ADNI1:Complete 1Yr 1.5T dataset and compare these with segmentations from existing automated and semi-automated methods: FSL FIRST, FreeSurfer, MAPER, and SNT. Finally, we conduct a leave-one-out cross-validation of hippocampal subfield segmentation in standard 3T T1-weighted images, using five high-resolution manually segmented atlases (Winterburn et al., 2013). ResultsIn the ADNI cross-validation, using 9 atlases MAGeT-Brain achieves a mean Dice's Similarity Coefficient (DSC) score of 0.869 with respect to manual whole hippocampus segmentations, and also exhibits significantly lower variability in DSC scores than multi-atlas segmentation. In the younger, psychosis dataset, MAGeT-Brain achieves a mean DSC score of 0.892 and produces volumes which agree with manual segmentation volumes better than those produced by the FreeSurfer and FSL FIRST methods (mean difference in volume: 80mm3, 1600mm3, and 800mm3, respectively). Similarly, in the ADNI1:Complete 1Yr 1.5T dataset, MAGeT-Brain produces hippocampal segmentations well correlated (r>0.85) with SNT semi-automated reference volumes within disease categories, and shows a conservative bias and a mean difference in volume of 250mm3 across the entire dataset, compared with FreeSurfer and FSL FIRST which both overestimate volume differences by 2600mm3 and 2800mm3 on average, respectively. Finally, MAGeT-Brain segments the CA1, CA4/DG and subiculum subfields on standard 3T T1-weighted resolution images with DSC overlap scores of 0.56, 0.65, and 0.58, respectively, relative to manual segmentations. ConclusionWe demonstrate that MAGeT-Brain produces consistent whole hippocampal segmentations using only 9 atlases, or fewer, with various hippocampal definitions, disease populations, and image acquisition types. Additionally, we show that MAGeT-Brain identifies hippocampal subfields in standard 3T T1-weighted images with overlap scores comparable to competing methods.

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