
Aspect-based sentiment classification (ABSC) (also called fine-grained sentiment analysis) is an essential and challenging task among sentiment analysis tasks. Aspect level sentiment analysis overcomes the limitation of the document and sentence level when multiple aspects appear in a review. Recently, neural network approaches like LSTM has achieved better results in ABSC than traditional machine learning algorithms. Aspect extraction and polarity detection for specific aspects in the review becoming an important task in aspect level sentiment analysis. Therefore, the paper aims to predict the sentiment polarity of each aspect in the review into 3 classes by developing the multi-aspect attention (MAA) model and combine it with the BiLSTM neural network, called MAA-BLSTM. Unlike unidirectional LSTM, the BiLSTM network runs the input in two directions: forward and backward, therefore, it can understand the context better than LSTM. In this paper, the hyperparameter tuning approach is also considered to be the high-performing model. Experiments are tested on restaurant and laptop data from SemEval (2014, 2015, and 2016) datasets and compare the result with other LSTM-based methods. Finally, the result proves that the accuracy of the proposed sentiment model reaches 89.9 on the restaurant dataset and 82.1 on the laptop dataset which are higher than other LSTM approaches.

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