
Biochar can remediate degraded soils and maintain or improve soil health, but specific and predictable effects on soil properties and crop productivity are unknown because of complex interactions associated with climate patterns, inherent soil characteristics, site-specific crop and soil management practices, and the source, production characteristics, and amount of biochar applied. This multi-location field study was designed and conducted to determine if consistent response patterns could be elucidated by controlling the type and amount of biochar applied, depth of incorporation, and soil/crop management practices as much as possible for six U.S. locations. When averaged for five reporting locations, biochar or biochar plus manure (bio+man) treatments significantly (P<0.001) increased surface (0–15cm) soil organic carbon (SOC) levels by 48 or 47%, respectively, relative to control treatments. The SOC levels for the manure only treatment were not significantly different from the control. No other measured soil properties showed significant biochar or biochar×manure interactions, even though applying manure significantly increased extractable K, Mg, Na, and P levels. Analysis of three or four years of pooled biomass yield data from the six locations showed a significant location effect (P<0.001), but treatment effects were not significant. However, dividing annual plot yields by the average for all control plots at each location created a dataset of relative yields that showed a significant location×treatment interaction and higher normalized yields (36%) due to biochar (P=0.017) at one of the six locations. Overall, we conclude that hardwood biochar produced by fast pyrolysis can be an effective soil amendment for increasing SOC levels within a broad range of temperate soils, but crop yield responses should be anticipated only when specific soil quality problems limit productivity.

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