
Real-time messaging and opinion sharing in social media websites have made them valuable sources of different kinds of information. This source provides the opportunity for doing different kinds of analysis. Sentiment analysis as one of the most important of these analyses gains increasing interests. However, the research in this field is still facing challenges. The mainstream of the sentiment analysis research on social media websites and microblogs just exploits the textual content of the posts. This makes the analysis hard because microblog posts are short and noisy. However, they have lots of contexts which can be exploited for sentiment analysis. In order to use the context as an auxiliary source, some recent papers use reply/retweet to model the context of the target post. We claim that multiple sequential contexts can be used jointly in a unified model. In this article, we propose a context-aware multi-thread hierarchical long short-term memory (MHLSTM) that jointly models different kinds of contexts, such as tweep, hashtag and reply besides the content of the target post. Experimental evaluations on a real-world Twitter data set demonstrate that our proposed model can outperform some strong baseline models by 28.39% in terms of relative error reduction.

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