
A multitechnique characterization approach has been used to quantitatively and qualitatively evaluate all the reservoir quality parameters, crucial for the exploitation and development of unconventional shale plays. Characterization methods, in particular FTIR, XRF, NMR, MICP, HPP, LPP and High Pressure Permeameter were used on selected 20 younger and older shale samples of Cambay to determine their true petrophysics, mineralogy, brittleness and fracability potential with respect to depth. Properties mainly porosity, permeability, pore size distribution, mineralogy, brittleness, pore sizes and fracability were determined. It was found that younger cambay has medium size pores with high porosity, low silica and high clay content. On the contrary, older cambay has good pore connectivity, rich in organic and clay content, fair brittleness index and capable of producing hydrocarbons. The performed multidisciplinary analysis is first of its kind research and will go a long way in shale gas research and development in India at pilot scale. The generated data can be helpful in minimizing the research gap and hence the challenges associated with the commercial development of these prolific shales.

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