
To study the effect of light on Japanese squid (Todarodes pacificus) behavior, we developed a new ultrasonic biotelemetry system that can simultaneously observe and measure multiple targets. We tested the system on 40 squids in open water. Each squid was attached with a Gold code pinger (AquaSound Inc.) that transmits single frequency signals of multiple codes (IDs). By using the combination of 32 kinds of Gold code sequences, we succeeded to develop a receiving system that can simultaneously track 40 pingers. In the field test, 40 squids attached with the Gold code pingers were released simultaneously into open water and signals were recorded from three fishing boats for a maximum of six hours. The underwater positioning of the squids was calculated based on the “reverse cross-bearing” method by using the cross points from each direction against the target obtained by two boats. With the addition of depth data obtained by the pressure sensor installed in each Gold code pinger, we succeeded to measure the 3D positions of all 40 target squids. Considering the movement of boats by wind and tide, the positions of all three boats were measured every second using the GNSS (FURUNO Electronics Co., Ltd.).

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