
Mantle peridotites from the Veneto Volcanic Province (VPP) have been investigated in order to constrain P-T conditions of mantle events, determine the style of the metasomatic reactions, and the compositions of the metasomatic agents. Studied rocks show dominant protogranular and transitional textures; only one sample shows effect of pyrometamorphism. Clinopyroxenes in protogranular lherzolites show depleted LREE patterns, while those of transitional rocks are characterised by spoon-shaped REE patterns (La up to 60 times chondrite), and variable enrichments in LILE. Two generations of fluid inclusions are recognised: 1) Type I (CO2 ± CO ± C fluid) found only in orthopyroxene of transitional xenoliths which may contain very small amphibole; 2) Type II (CO2-rich fluid) found in all minerals of all xenoliths. Most of inclusions homogenize to liquid, with ThL ranging between −44 and 31°C. The densest CO2 fluid inclusions (d = 1.13 g/cm3), indicates a trapping pressure of ~10 kbar at 800°C. We propose that the mantle beneath the VVP equilibrated at pressures of 10 kbar, at about 800°C. Traces of an aqueous fluid preserved as fluid inclusions in orthopyroxene suggest the existence of an older subduction related metasomatic event and the occurrence of two stages metasomatism in the lithosphere beneath the SE Alps.

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