
Based on a multi-scale and hydrostructural approach, this study presents the most relevant methodology to be applied to a karst hydrosystem in order to get a full understanding of underground water flow. It implies a complete structural analysis, from the hydrosystem scale to the outcrop scale, including the intermediate scale of the major geological structures. We illustrate the method in the Arcier hydrosystem, in the northwestern border of the Jura fold-and-thrust belt (Eastern France).Field mapping and structural analysis allow to update the geological vision of the hydrosystem with two kink-type fault propagation folds, including a trishear kinematic model, on either side of a plateau presenting a hollow-and-dome configuration. Fracturing analysis reveals a fault-fracture network that we infer governs the entire hydrosystem. A Riedel pattern is highlighted, characterized by a N–S-striking (N355° ± 5), sinistral strike-slip, regional shear zone. Then, two 3D geological models, at different scales, constructed with MOVE and Visual Karsys softwares are combined with water levels and artificial tracer tests. It reveals a multilayer aquifer and a redefinition of groundwater circulations for the Arcier hydrosystem.The results demonstrate a strong geological control of karstic hydrosystems on groundwater circulations, proving that classical hydrogeological methods, such as natural and/or artificial tracers, must be combined with rigorous geological analysis. Moreover, the multi-scale approach provides an explanation of groundwater circulation based on the intersection between 3D geometry of impervious layers delimiting the aquifers and their base water level, instead of the 2D view (section or map) requiring systematic recourse to inferred vertical faults to cross permeability barriers vertically or laterally. This study also brings a new vision to the local protection of the water resource.

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