
Abstract The goal of this study is to quantify the effects of geologic heterogeneity on the dynamic process of CO 2 attenuation in shallow aquifers through the use of multi-scale laboratory experimentation and numerical modelling. First, an experiment was conducted in an intermediate scale two-dimensional cell that was packed with water-saturated porous media in a simple heterogeneous configuration. Constant-head boundary conditions were applied to the system, and then CO 2 -saturated water was injected through it. As the CO 2 -saturated water migrated through the system, gas phase CO 2 evolved within the porous media, as observed by dielectric saturation sensors. The outflow of CO 2 gas from the top of the system was monitored by a gas flow meter, and the outflow of water from the side of the tank was monitored via collection into a container that was placed on a computer-interfaced scale. After the multiphase CO 2 evolution appeared to have reached steady state, clean water was injected through the cell until all of the CO 2 was expelled from the system. In addition to the experiments, numerical models were performed using the Finite Element Heat and Mass transfer (FEHM) code as a first step toward planning larger scale experiments. Results indicate that the presence of geologic heterogeneity, which is ubiquitous in natural environments, can significantly hinder the migration of CO 2 in the shallow subsurface.

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