
AbstractThis chapter describes the exploration of unknown environment using multiple robots. We designed this system in order to overcome the various disadvantages of exploration and mapping robots. When it comes to the mapping of large unknown environment, single robot would be inefficient and inaccurate. It leads to more exploration time and inaccurate mapping of the environment. There are multiple algorithms which already exist and are used but seeing their inefficiency we have worked on RRT that is random-exploration random tree. Multiple robots will be deployed in an unknown environment and based on which the robots will explore environment, to make robot communicate with each other we have implemented swarm algorithm so that robot communicate with each other in coordinated way. The Swarm algorithm will help robots explore the environment in a coordinated way because of which the two robots will never explore the same area repeatedly and hence will same time and will lead to more accurate mapping of the environment. To implement this solution, we used ROS as the middle ware, with the help of the ROS we can encounter and handle many real time parameters which will make our system more accurate and efficient. GAZEBO simulator is used in order to test and implement the system. This multi robot system will be very useful in the future smart city ecosystems.KeywordsMultiple robotsExplorationRRTRandom-explorationSwarmMiddle-ware,ROSGAZEBO

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