
A number of normal state transport properties of cuprate superconductors are analyzed in detail using the Boltzmann equation. The momentum dependence of the electronic structure and the strong momentum anisotropy of the electronic scattering are included in a phenomenological way via a multi-patch model. The Brillouin zone and the Fermi surface are divided in regions where scattering between the electrons is strong and the Fermi velocity is low (hot patches) and in regions where the scattering is weak and the Fermi velocity is large (cold patches). We present several motivations for this phenomenology starting from various microscopic approaches. A solution of the Boltzmann equation in the case of N patches is obtained and an expression for the distribution function away from equilibrium is given. Within this framework, and limiting our analysis to the two patches case, the temperature dependence of resistivity, thermoelectric power, Hall angle, magnetoresistance and thermal Hall conductivity are studied in a systematic way analyzing the role of the patch geometry and the temperature dependence of the scattering rates. In the case of Bi-based cuprates, using ARPES data for the electronic structure, and assuming an inter-patch scattering between hot and cold states with a linear temperature dependence, a reasonable agreement with the available experiments is obtained.

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