
The goal of semi-quantum privacy comparison (SQPC) is to use a small amount of quantum capabilities to compare private information for equality. In recent years, research on semi-quantum privacy comparison protocol has made some achievements. However, most of SQPC protocols can merely compare the private information of two parties, and the research of multi-party SQPC protocols are still scarce. If the number of participants is more than two, the protocol needs to be executed multiple times. Therefore, we proposed a multi-party semi-quantum private comparison protocol based on the maximally entangled GHZ-type state, which has the capability to compare the equality of n parties by executing the protocol once. What is more, the transmission of participant’s encrypted information is not through the classical channel, which improves the security of the protocol. Finally, the security analysis shows that outsider attacks, dishonest participants attacks and semi-honest TP attacks are all invalid for this protocol.

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