
Renewable portfolio standard and tradable green certification have become key policies for China to achieve carbon neutralization, which pose new challenges to strategies of players in the actual power market. A multi-oligarch dynamic electricity sales game model in regional power supply market is established, which consists of a renewable energy power enterprise, a traditional enterprise and an energy storage enterprise. The stability conditions of the system together with the effects of the macro-policies and information asymmetry on the game are further analyzed. According to the strategic interaction of stakeholders, the results demonstrate that, compared with the market transaction price weight, the marginal profit weight of energy storage enterprise has a significant impact on strategies of players, while information asymmetry has a depraved impact on the stability. Further, through the proposition of a partially shared signal transmission mitigation mechanism under macro-control, it is evidenced to effectively cushion the bad impact of information asymmetry on the stability of Nash equilibrium. Finally, the implementation of renewable portfolio standard and tradable green certification in the long run, will improve the stability of the system.

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