
Based on the supercritical “wing1” which was released in the DPW-III conference, multi-objective optimization has been done to increase the lift-drag ratio at cruise condition and improve transonic buffet boundary and drag-rise performance. Hicks-Henne shape functions are used to represent the bump shape. In the design optimization to increase lift-drag ratio, the objectives involve the cruise point and three other off-design points nearby. In the other optimization process to improve buffet and drag-rise performance, three buffet onset points near the cruise point and one drag-rise point are selected as the design points. Non-dominating sort genetic algorithm II (NSGA-II) is used in both processes. Additionally, individual analysis for every selected point on the Pareto frontier is conducted in order to avoid local convergence and achieve global optimum. Results of optimization for aerodynamic efficiency show a decrease of 11 counts in drag at the cruise point. Drag at nearby off-design points are also reduced to some extent. Similar approaches are made to improve buffet and drag-rise characteristics, resulting in significant improvements in both ways.

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