
As the demand for comprehensiveness, accuracy, and data fast return of satellite remote sensing information grows, a hybrid constellation with permanent inter-satellite link becomes an inevitable choice for earth cooperative observation. The models for the objective function for global coverage, regional revisit detained survey duration, spatial resolution, inter-satellite links, and the cost of constellation deployment are established firstly, and the constraints like the ground trace repeating are dealt skillfully. The layered multi-objective optimization frame is designed for solving this problem. The example explains that present models distribute the multiple objective functions and constraints, and the result Pareto solution set can show several performance features of the hybrid satellite constellation, it may support the satellite constellation engineering argumentation and selection on merit.


  • As the demand for comprehensiveness, accuracy, and data fast return of satellite remote sensing infor⁃ mation grows, a hybrid constellation with permanent inter⁃satellite link becomes an inevitable choice for earth coop⁃ erative observation

  • The layered multi⁃objective optimization frame is de⁃ signed for solving this problem

  • The example explains that present models distribute the multiple objective functions and constraints, and the result Pareto solution set can show several performance features of the hybrid satellite con⁃ stellation, it may support the satellite constellation engineering argumentation and selection on merit

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正多面体是比较均匀的方法,马原野[16] 推荐正 二十面体划分方法。 该方法是利用相互垂直的黄金 矩阵,顶点坐标如表 1 所示。 然后不断将球面三角 形 4 等分细化,细分 3 次后北极视角如图 2 所示,蓝 色点是三角形中心点,则无旋地球( 瞬时) 任意点到 某轨道面距离如图 3 所示。. 地面 P 点( 地球半径为 Re) 在 J2000.0 坐标系中 可由赤经赤纬(λ,φ) 表示 éêx0 ùú éêRecosφcosλùú p êy0 ú ëêê z0 ûúú ê ëêê. 标经纬度最大最小值分别为 ( λmin ,λmax ,φmin , φmax) 。 一般而言,利用太阳同步轨道上的近地光学 成像卫星实现区域高分辨率详查,由运载火箭能力

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