
A number of the practical scenarios relating to sensor networks are modeled as multi-objective optimization formulations where multiple desirable objectives compete with each other and the decision maker has to choose one of the tradeoff solutions. These multiple objectives may or may not conflict with each other. Keeping in view the nature of the application, the sensing scenario and input/output of the problem, the type of optimization problem changes. To tackle different nature of optimization problems relating to sensor network design, deployment, operation, planing and placement, there exist a plethora of optimization solution types. We analyze the existing literature to show the trend of the research community with respect to sensor network technologies being used, different engineering applications, simulation tools being used and the research emanating from different geographical areas. We also present a generic resource allocation problem in sensor network which consists of input variables, required output, objectives and constraints. A list of constraints is also tabulated to give an overview of different constraints which are considered while formulating the optimization problem in sensor networks. Keeping in view the multi facet coverage of this article relating to multi-objective optimization, this will open up new avenues of research in the area of multi-objective optimization relating to sensor networks.

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