
Imbalanced classification is a challenging task in the fields of machine learning and data mining. Cost-sensitive learning can tackle this issue by considering different misclassification costs of classes. Weighted extreme learning machine (W-ELM) takes a cost-sensitive strategy to alleviate the learning bias towards the majority class to achieve better classification performance. However, W-ELM may not achieve the optimal weights for the samples from different classes due to the adoption of empirical costs. In order to solve this issue, multi-objective optimization-based adaptive class-specific cost extreme learning machine (MOAC-ELM) is presented in this paper. To be specific, the initial weights are first assigned depending on the class information. Based on that, the representation of the minority class could be enhanced by adding penalty factors. In addition, a multi-objective optimization with respect to penalty factors is formulated to automatically determine the class-specific costs, in which multiple performance criteria are constructed by comprehensively considering the misclassification rate and generalization gap. Finally, ensemble strategy is implemented to make decisions after optimization. Accordingly, the proposed MOAC-ELM is an adaptive method with good robustness and generalization performance for imbalanced classification problems. Comprehensive experiments have been performed on several benchmark datasets and a real-world application dataset. The statistical results demonstrate that MOAC-ELM can achieve competitive results on classification performance.

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