
Previously [E. Kawamura et al., Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. 25, 054009 (2016) and E. Kawamura et al., J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 50, 145204 (2017)], one dimensional (1D) particle-in-cell (PIC) simulations of 1 to 4 mm gap, He/2%H2O atmospheric pressure plasma discharges showed an ionization instability resulting in bulk striations. Assuming that the ionization rate coefficient Kiz is related to the root mean square electric field E by Kiz ∝ Eq, a striation theory showed that q < 0 is a necessary condition for the instability. A local calculation yielded q > 0, implying that nonlocal electron kinetics are required for the instability. Wider gaps can fit in a wider range of wavelengths, resulting in multi-mode striations. Previously, we assumed a single mean q value for each discharge, and did not calculate q for each mode separately. Here, we develop a wavelength resolved global striation model and apply it to 1D PIC simulations of 4 mm gap discharges with input currents Jrf = 0.04 to 0.30 A/cm2. We first examine a base case at 0.23 A/cm2 and observe a mixture of unstable modes within a window of wavelengths λ. At shorter λ, the modes are suppressed by diffusion. At longer λ, we observe a transition to locality in which q becomes less negative with increasing λ, approaching its local positive value and stabilizing the modes. The window of unstable modes shifts to shorter λ with increasing Jrf, causing the modes to be suppressed by diffusion at higher Jrf. At lower Jrf, the decrease in bulk plasma density with decreasing Jrf suppresses the striations.

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