
A generally accepted framework derived predominately from animal models asserts that repeated cycles of chronic intermittent ethanol (EtOH; CIE) exposure cause progressive brain adaptations associated with anxiety and stress that promote voluntary drinking, alcohol dependence, and further brain changes that contribute to the pathogenesis of alcoholism. The current study used CIE exposure via vapor chambers to test the hypothesis that repeated episodes of withdrawals from chronic EtOH would be associated with accrual of brain damage as quantified using in vivo magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), diffusion tensor imaging (DTI), and MR spectroscopy (MRS). The initial study group included 16 male (~325g) and 16 female (~215g) wild-type Wistar rats exposed to 3 cycles of 1-month in vapor chambers + 1 week of abstinence. Half of each group (n = 8) was given vaporized EtOH to blood alcohol levels approaching 250 mg/dL. Blood and behavior markers were also quantified. There was no evidence for dependence (i.e., increased voluntary EtOH consumption), increased anxiety, or an accumulation of pathology. Neuroimaging brain responses to exposure included increased cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and decreased gray matter volumes, increased Choline/Creatine, and reduced fimbria-fornix fractional anisotropy (FA) with recovery seen after one or more cycles and effects in female more prominent than in male rats. These results show transient brain integrity changes in response to CIE sufficient to induce acute withdrawal but without evidence for cumulative or escalating damage. Together, the current study suggests that nutrition, age, and sex should be considered when modeling human alcoholism.

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