
Abstract Recent radio observations and coincident neutrino detections suggest that some tidal disruption events (TDEs) exhibit late-time activities, relative to the optical ehmission peak, and these may be due to delayed outflows launched from the central supermassive black hole. We investigate te possibility that jets launched with a time delay of days to months, interact with a debris that may expand outwards. We discuss the effects of the time delay and expansion velocity on the outcomes of jet breakout and collimation. We find that a jet with an isotropic-equivalent luminosity of ≲ 5 × 1045 erg/s is likely to be choked for a delay time of ∼3 months. We also study the observational signatures of such delayed choked jets. The jet-debris interaction preceding the breakout would lead to particle acceleration and the resulting synchrotron emission can be detected by current and near-future radio, optical and X-ray telescopes, and the expanding jet-driven debris could explain late-time radio emission. We discuss high-energy neutrino production in delayed choked jets, and the time delay can significantly alleviate the difficulty of the hidden jet scenario in explaining neutrino coincidences.

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