
Abstract: This paper presents a multilevel framework for tracing the requirements. Before presenting the framework, a review in systematic fashion was conducted and based on the results of that we tried to find out the gaps between the actually implemented requirements traceability practices and the industrial needs. After that, two companies have been interviewed to find out about their requirements traceability practices. Based on these interviews these companies can be classified in to two categories: high end traceability users and low end traceability users. This categorization is based upon their requirements traceability practices that they are currently using. Then based on the results of the systematic review and industrial interviews a multilevel model for tracing the requirements was presented. This model was able to trace functional as well as non functional requirements. In that model there are three levels named as : level 0,level 1 and level 2. The level 0 is specifically focusing on pre RS requirements traceability, but level 1 and level 2 are concentrated on post RS traceability. The traceability of functional requirements are being discussed in level 0 and level 1 while level 2 discusses the traceability of non functional requirements. Finally the framework is validated by both the concerned companies.The framework is equally useful for requirements traceability practices of both the different types of companies. The validation of the framework ensured that it can be used in real industrial environment for tracing the functional and non-functional requirements. The framework is equally useful for requirements traceability practices of both the different types of companies. The validation of the framework ensured that it can be used in real industrial environment for tracing the functional and non-functional requirements.

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