
A multi-layer coarse-graining (CG) model is presented for treating the electrostatic interactions of solvated α-conotoxin peptides. According to the sensitivity to the electrostatic environment, a hybrid set of electrostatic parameters, such as secondary-structure- and residue-based dipoles, and atom-centered partial charges, are adopted. For the polarization "inert" secondary-structures and residues, the fragment dipole moments are distributed within narrow ranges with the magnitude close to zero. The coarse-graining fragment dipoles are parameterized from a large training set (10,000 configurations) to reproduce the electrostatic features of molecular fragments. In contrast, the electrostatically "sensitive" atoms exhibit large fluctuations of charges with the varied environments. The environment-dependent variable charges are updated in each energetic calculation. The electrostatic interaction of the whole chemical system is hence partitioned into several sub-terms coming from the fragment dipole-dipole, (fragment) dipole-(atom) charge, and atom charge-charge interactions. A large number of test calculations on the relative energies of cyclo-peptide conformers have demonstrated that the multi-layer CG electrostatic model presents better performance than the non-polarized force fields, in comparison with the density-functional theory and the fully polarized force field model. The selection of CG fragment centers, mass or geometric center, has little influence on the fragment-based dipole-dipole interactions. The multi-layer partition of electrostatic polarization is expected to be applied to many biologically interesting and complicated phenomena.

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