
Searchable encryption scheme allows users to search for encrypted data containing some keywords without decrypting data. It protects the data privacy of data owners while promoting efficient data access. The searchable encryption scheme only supports a single keyword, which is easy to cause the problem of data redundancy. It makes users have to filter again in a large amount of data. In order to achieve the search goal more accurately, researchers proposed multi-keyword searchable encryption scheme. In addition, searchable encryption schemes that only support a single keyword are vulnerable to the disclosure of user access and search pattern. Based on these two reasons, we propose a searchable encryption scheme based on multi- keyword, which supports users to input more complex retrieval requests, and users can get a better sense of search experience. At the same time, it reduces the possibility of leakage of user access and search pattern to a certain extent. We also define the security model and prove that the scheme can resist the internal keyword guessing attack under the standard model. Finally, we also compare theoretical performance with other schemes and evaluate the experimental performance of our scheme.

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