
A multi-hazard disaster risk assessment was undertaken for Tongatapu through the Asian Development Bank (ADB) on behalf of the Government of Tonga. This was to inform investments, urban planning and improvements to natural hazard resilience across the island (ADB, 2021). This paper presents the methodology and findings of the coastal inundation and sea level rise components and how these relate to other hazards assessed and the overarching risk assessment. Due to its low elevation and flat topography, Tongatapu, and the Tongan capital of Nukualofa, are vulnerable to pluvial (surface) flooding associated with heavy rainfall and coastal flooding from extreme sea levels and cyclone induced storm surge. Similarly, Tongatapu is vulnerable to damaging winds associated with tropical cyclones, earthquakes particularly associated with the nearby Kermadec Tonga Trench, and tsunami inundation. The study assessed these hazards and considered the influence of climate change on intensity of rainfall and sea levels.

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