
<abstract><p>Recent advancements in network and multimedia technologies have facilitated the distribution and sharing of digital videos over the Internet. These long videos contain very complex contents. Additionally, it is very challenging to use as few frames as possible to cover the video contents without missing too much information. There are at least two ways to describe these complex videos contents with minimal frames: the keyframes extracted from the video or the video summary. The former lays stress on covering the whole video contents as much as possible. The latter emphasizes covering the video contents of interest. As a consequence, keyframes are widely used in many areas such as video segmentation and object tracking. In this paper, we propose a keyframe extraction method based on multiple features via a novel combinatorial optimization algorithm. The key frame extraction is modeled as a combinatorial optimization problem. A fast dynamic programming algorithm based on a forward non-overlapping transfer matrix in polynomial time and a 0-1 integer linear programming algorithm based on an overlapping matrix is proposed to solve our maximization problem. In order to quantitatively evaluate our approach, a long video dataset named 'Animal world' is self-constructed, and the segmentation evaluation criterions are introduced. A good result is achieved on 'Animal world' dataset and a public available Keyframe-Sydney KFSYD dataset <sup>[<xref ref-type="bibr" rid="b1">1</xref>]</sup>.</p></abstract>

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