
Despite unifloral honeys from Sardinia, Italy, being appreciated worldwide for their peculiar organoleptic features, their elemental signature has only partly been investigated. Hence, the principal aim of this study was to measure the concentration of trace and toxic elements (i.e., Ag, As, Ba, Be, Bi, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Hg, Li, Mn, Mo, Ni, Pb, Sb, Sn, Sr, Te, Tl, V, and Zn) in four unifloral honeys produced in Sardinia. For this purpose, an original ICP-MS method was developed, fully validated, and applied on unifloral honeys from asphodel, eucalyptus, strawberry tree, and thistle. Particular attention was paid to the method’s development: factorial design was applied for the optimization of the acid microwave digestion, whereas the instrumental parameters were tuned to minimize the polyatomic interferences. Most of the analytes’ concentration ranged between the relevant LoDs and few mg kg−1, while toxic elements were present in negligible amounts. The elemental signatures of asphodel and thistle honeys were measured for the first time, whereas those of eucalyptus and strawberry tree honeys suggested a geographical differentiation if compared with the literature. Chemometric analysis allowed for the botanical discrimination of honeys through their elemental signature, whereas linear discriminant analysis provided an accuracy level of 87.1%.

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