
Disaster simulation exercises are important to test service processes, capabilities, and deficiencies and disaster response planning should encompass the entire multidisciplinary team over an extended period. Our service simulated a modest eight burn casualty scenario to test our service capabilities over a 10-week period across medical, nursing, and allied health professions. Requirements due to the mass burns casualty cohort were predicted in terms of theatre requirements, allied health treatment hours required, and nursing hours requirements. Prospective business-as-usual service provision data was also collected over the 10-week study period in respect to theatre utilisation, allied health workload, nursing hours and burns ward bed census. This data was then superimposed on predicted mass burn casualty requirements to gauge total workload demands over the study period. Results showed an expected significant initial spike in theatre requirements in the first week post mass casualty with ongoing deficiencies in theatre allocation occurring throughout the 10-week study period. Allied health staff were working at or near capacity in a business-as-usual setting with major spikes in workload demand occurring due to the mass burn casualty cohort. Total workload demands clearly exceeded current staff capacity for most of the allied health professions over the 10-week period. Bed census exceeded funded nursing bed capacity for all but seven days of the study period. Predicted combined nursing hours required exceeded funded capacity for all but two days. This simulation clearly demonstrated the high and immediate increase in workload demands across all professions over a prolonged 10-week period and that high business-as-usual demand can greatly affect staff capacity to cope with a mass casualty surge in admissions. It was able to provide evidence, and awareness, for leadership and management on the need for resources and resource re-allocation in a mass burn casualty scenario. It also informed a review of our current triggers for activating our SA Health Multiple Burns Plan.

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