
This paper undertook a philosophical assessment of the impact of colonization and globalization on the indigenous African value systems. It focused on the problem of acculturation resulting from the introduction of alien and alienating philosophy of education by colonial authorities, and lately that of globalization. The objective of this study is to examine the impact of colonial education, and globalization with their attendant cultural dynamics on contemporary Africa. Our method is non empirical but critical in nature and as such uses no quantifiable data. Findings revealed that the colonial imposition of western culture through western education in Africa has brought about a cultural paradigm shift resulting in the bastardization of African cultural values. The paper further highlighted that the forces of globalization, though highly beneficial in some respects, are quite inimical to indigenous cultural values that were transmitted through traditional education. It concluded that multicultural education has a latitudinal effect on our thought patterns with the tendency of creating pluralistic value perspectives and moral crisis. The work recommended some remedial measures that could help curriculum planners in Africa promote an Afro-centric, value-based educational system. It suggested, for example, the principle of moderate liberalism which implies the sifting of wheat from the chaff when it comes to multicultural education and cultural values, by taking into consideration the relevant contemporary existential needs of the various African peoples. You should mention the adopted theoretical framework in your abstract. Key Words: Multiculturalism, education, colonization, globalization, philosophy

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